How often do you lug out your bulky yellow pages to find a product or service near you? If you are like most Americans, your answer was probably never. With the internet, we have access to business information right at our finger tips. All it takes it typing a few key words into your favorite search engine.
With this being the overwhelming trend today, strong internet marketing for your business is essential for survival. As far as the internet search engine market goes, Google captures between 65% and 70% of the users. Clearly, your business website Google rankings should be in the front of your mind. If you are concerned about your visibility on Google, it is time to research SEO reporting.
Many inexperienced small businesses are currently paying to be a sponsored result on Google. However, research has shown that this is a fruitless labor. Somewhere around 70% to 80% of search engine users completely ignore the sponsored results. Most internet users prefer to read organic content when choosing a service or product. This is one example of why SEO reporting is so important to your marketing campaign success.
The co-founder of Google, Larry Page, is the name behind the PageRank algorithm. In order to score high on this algorithm, you will want to boost your search engine optimization. Most customers using search engines will find what they are looking for on the first page of results. This means your search engine rankings need to be high enough to hit this page. Otherwise, customers will probably never click on your site.
If you are thinking you can get around SEO reporting by distributing your exact website in other ways, you are probably going to be disappointed. The majority of consumers, 58% start researching a product or service using a search engine. This is a staggering number compared to the 24% that go directly to the company website, and the 18% that go first to social media. Top notch Seo tools may be your fiercest business weapon.
In addition to strong SEO reporting, you are going to want to spend time on the ease of use your website presents. Having a mobile version of your website, or an easy to use app may prove profitable as well. It is projected that mobile device usage will take over desktop internet usage by 2014. It is time to step up your internet marketing game. Get online and research the best web design, and SEO reporting in your area. You will not regret the investment when you begin seeing the return.
Everyone is making internet marketing seem so complicated. It is almost impossible to keep up.
Everyone is making internet marketing seem so complicated. It is almost impossible to keep up.
Everyone is making internet marketing seem so complicated. It is almost impossible to keep up.
Everyone is making internet marketing seem so complicated. It is almost impossible to keep up.
Everyone is making internet marketing seem so complicated. It is almost impossible to keep up.